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Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow

Chronic Absentee Recovery Effort Project

Students who are absent 10% or more, for ANY reason, are classified as "chronic absentees." Those who are chronically absent tend to be at-risk academically because they are missing far too much school. These students lose out on the crucial learning taking place in the classroom. Students are more likely to succeed in school when they attend consistently. By making school attendance a priority, you will be taking an important step in supporting your child's success. Let's work together to help your child reach his/her highest potential.


•    Students need regular attendance so that they may progress educationally, socially, and emotionally.  
•    Children with excessive absences fall behind in school and the family will be placed on SARB contract.      
•    Students who fall behind become easily frustrated with school and often want to stop coming. 
•    Students in grades 1-8 are not allowed more than 15 days of absence per school year.
•    Students that have exceeded the 15 maximum days will be required to make up the time after school 
        and/or possibly recommended for retention in their current grade. Students that miss more than 5 days in one              trimester will be placed on the Loss of Privilege list. (Please note that the SARB process begins with 3 or more                  unexcused absences.)

Students who become ill at school may not ride the bus home.  
•    When a serious illness or injury arises, every attempt will be made to contact the parent. 
•    It is very important to have at least two phone numbers of people that we can contact
•    It is a good idea to give them prior permission to transport your child. 

Parents must call or send a note with their student verifying their absence. 
•    This will insure that your child is at school and not cutting classes  
•    Notification must be made prior to your child returning to school  

Short Term Independent Study is available to students that will be absent for 5 or more days consecutively.  Please contact the school at least 3 weeks in advance for this accommodation.

Note:  The state of California penalizes the school for all absences, excused or unexcused.

The beginning of a school year brings new importance to students’ school attendance and coming to school on time.  Students and parents are reminded that attendance and coming to school on time are vital for a successful school experience.

Students who have an unexcused tardy will be given time to catch up in detention after school. This will last for as many days as it takes to make up the missed work. The only excused tardies are doctor and dentist appointments (note required), illness, funeral attendance of an immediate family member, court appearances, extreme weather (safety), and religious services. All other tardiness is defined in the Education Code as truant.

Students who receive 5 tadies will be placed on the Loss of Privilege list.  

This procedure is necessary because we cannot serve your child if he/she is not here and on time. The law now requires that each child master grade level work before passing on the next grade. Class time is vital if a child is to succeed.  

The first bell of the day rings at 7:55am. The second bell rings at 8:00am. Students entering after the 8:00 bell are tardy. Please make sure your child attends school and comes on time.

Independent study is available for students who will be absent for a minimum of 5 consecutive days.  All requests for independent study are to be submitted to the office.  Independent study requests must be pre-approved by the administration and parents must provide a minimum of 3 weeks notice.  All independent study contracts must be signed prior to the student(s) leaving.